Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Comparative Religion - 918 Words
Comparative Religion: Religion is a common set of belief held by different individuals available within a society. Religion concerns itself with purpose, cause, and nature considered for the creation of a superhuman agency fitted with several moral codes. The codes provide guidance on how humans should conduct themselves throughout their life time. Religious beliefs are known to fall into a pattern of 8 different elements such as the belief system, community, central myths, rituals, an ethical system, experiences of the emotions, expressing religion in a material manner, and the ability of being sacred (Jacobs, 2005). Religious Beliefs Patterns: As a Christian, my religious beliefs fall into the already identified pattern to a certain†¦show more content†¦The followers of this movement are not allowed to smoke, gamble, take alcohol, engage in a homosexual behavior and premarital sex, and do drugs. Moreover, they are also required to keep their jobs and any involved secular connections with the world (Penny, 2005). In addition to the above ethical system, the followers to this movement are required to carry out exercises which involve some identified movement styles such as slow qigong while one follower is seated and four others are standing. The reason behind this is that; the followers to this movement hold an ethical belief that performing these form of exercises and combining it with the act of upholding an ethical belief system bring an individual closer to enlightenment after curing certain diseases. Falun Gong does not pay attention to all the eight elements of religion since there are others which are totally absent. The movement has no leader and at the same time does not carry out any form of rituals unlike the Christian religion. In addition to this, the movement does not hold central myths. They are however known to express their religion in a material manner such as through performing exercises while holding a belief that it is a way of keeping illnesses away and enhancing enlightenment (Penny, 2005). Some of Falun Gongs religious elements do not hold more weight compared to other elements since there are only limited number of elements which the movement pays attention to. The other available elementsShow MoreRelatedComparative Study Of Religion And Religion873 Words  | 4 PagesComparative Religion was by far one of the most eye-opening courses I took as an undergraduate. Going into the course, I thought I would be simply comparing religions. I thought I would be learning about various religions and the similarities and differences between those religions. However, it was quite different. Yes, I learned about the major world religions and their practices, but more importantly, I learned how to approach the study of religion through various religious scholars. 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