Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gay Marriage And Its Slow Progression Of Acceptance
With the recent legalization of gay marriage and its slow progression of acceptance in society, sexuality is a subject that plays a huge role in daily life and is becoming a common and prominent theme in society as more time passes. According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation refers to the sex or sexual interest to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted to. Heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality are the three mostly familiar categories of sexual orientation for a typical person, and these sexualities make up for 98.9% of the sexual orientation among American adults (Ward 1, et al). But what about the other 1.1% of sexualities? While these three categories continue to be widely used to refer to†¦show more content†¦Kinsey, working with his colleagues Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin, developed â€Å"The Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale,†in 1948. Also known as the â€Å"Kinsey Scale,†this rating scale explains a nd classifies people that did not fit into the exclusive categories of heterosexuality or homosexuality. Kinsey’s scale consists of six levels, with level 0 being exclusively heterosexual and contains no homosexual desires, to level 6 being exclusively homosexual, with no heterosexual desires. The remaining levels of the scale, in between 0 and 6, consist of sexualities with varying degrees of bisexuality. Like any other social trait, a person’s sexual preferences, attitudes, behaviors and identities can be flexible to some degree. This was seen in Kinsey’s study, because while the majority of men and women reported to be either exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, many individuals in the study still disclosed behaviors and attraction somewhere in between, according to the information found on â€Å"†. One of these particular attributes is â€Å"sexual fluidity.†Sexual fluidity is a sexual orientation in which one identifies as either homosexual or heterosexual, but changes preferences based on their surrounding environment. For example, a woman may identify as heterosexual, but given certain circumstances or by being introduced to a new environment, she might develop a sexual interest
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Comparative Religion - 918 Words
Comparative Religion: Religion is a common set of belief held by different individuals available within a society. Religion concerns itself with purpose, cause, and nature considered for the creation of a superhuman agency fitted with several moral codes. The codes provide guidance on how humans should conduct themselves throughout their life time. Religious beliefs are known to fall into a pattern of 8 different elements such as the belief system, community, central myths, rituals, an ethical system, experiences of the emotions, expressing religion in a material manner, and the ability of being sacred (Jacobs, 2005). Religious Beliefs Patterns: As a Christian, my religious beliefs fall into the already identified pattern to a certain†¦show more content†¦The followers of this movement are not allowed to smoke, gamble, take alcohol, engage in a homosexual behavior and premarital sex, and do drugs. Moreover, they are also required to keep their jobs and any involved secular connections with the world (Penny, 2005). In addition to the above ethical system, the followers to this movement are required to carry out exercises which involve some identified movement styles such as slow qigong while one follower is seated and four others are standing. The reason behind this is that; the followers to this movement hold an ethical belief that performing these form of exercises and combining it with the act of upholding an ethical belief system bring an individual closer to enlightenment after curing certain diseases. Falun Gong does not pay attention to all the eight elements of religion since there are others which are totally absent. The movement has no leader and at the same time does not carry out any form of rituals unlike the Christian religion. In addition to this, the movement does not hold central myths. They are however known to express their religion in a material manner such as through performing exercises while holding a belief that it is a way of keeping illnesses away and enhancing enlightenment (Penny, 2005). Some of Falun Gongs religious elements do not hold more weight compared to other elements since there are only limited number of elements which the movement pays attention to. The other available elementsShow MoreRelatedComparative Study Of Religion And Religion873 Words  | 4 PagesComparative Religion was by far one of the most eye-opening courses I took as an undergraduate. Going into the course, I thought I would be simply comparing religions. I thought I would be learning about various religions and the similarities and differences between those religions. However, it was quite different. Yes, I learned about the major world religions and their practices, but more importantly, I learned how to approach the study of religion through various religious scholars. 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What does each tradition have to say about whether a human being has an individual soul? What is the significance of this soul (or lack thereof) in each tradition? The concept of the self is critical to a great many religious traditions. Understanding ones own individual position within the context of the universe helps to drive ones relationship to the divine, to the pedestrian andRead MoreComparative Introduction to Monotheistic Religions2587 Words  | 11 Pages This virtual chaotic community reversely demonstrates the importance of the ethics in a society. The moral framework provides criteria to communities, conducts people to do the appropriate things, and ensures society to keep a steady order. In religions the ethical rules and laws usually involved in scriptures. Jews, Christians and Muslims by studying and reciting the Hebrew Bible, Holy Bible and Quran every day, the particular moral standards rooted in their mind. They know what should do andRead MoreWorld Religions Comparative Essay : Hinduism And Buddhism1399 Words  | 6 PagesReba Khoshabe Mr. Lombardi HRT3M 18 November 2015 World Religions Comparative Essay: Hinduism and Buddhism Evidently, all of the religions in the world have different beliefs. Beliefs are the basis of one’s behaviour. Everything an individual does, traces back to the beliefs they have about the world. Hinduism and Buddhism are two religions that originated from the same nation, India. Both religions share beliefs on different paths to enlightenment, beliefs on reincarnation, and both believeRead MoreThe American Public School System960 Words  | 4 Pagesan establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hamilton et al., n.d.) The Supreme Court ruled that Pennsylvania’s Non-public Elementary and Secondary Education Act was unconstitutional and violated the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment. After 1963, public schools had to adhere to the Lemon test, which states that any practice sponsored in such schools must adhere to three criteria: have a secular purpose, neither advance nor inhibit religion, and must not resultRead MoreA Comparative Study Of Voltaire s And Moliere s Views On Religion Essay1598 Words  | 7 PagesA Comparative Study of Voltaire s and Molià ¨re s Views on Religion in Candide and Tartuffe Literary works regularly uncover their creators perspectives on specific social issues. Hypocrite (1669), a play by Molià ¨re, and Candide (1759), a philosophical story by Voltaire, both manage the subject of religion in the public eye. Fraud is a parody on the states of mind of the bourgeoisie toward religion in seventeenth-century France. Molià ¨re immovably puts stock in reli gious balance and denounces religious
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Thesis Comparing Scarlet Letter And Guilt Essay free essay sample
Thesis Comparing Scarlet Letter And Guilt Essay, Research Paper Many felons today serve their clip in prison and are so set free. Most of them go on to perpetrate other offenses, without larning the lesson their penalty was meant to learn. the worst penalty possible is anguish and to populate with 1s ain guilt. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is punished by holding to stnd on a scaffold for three hours and holding to have on a vermilion missive on her chest. After a piece she feels no guilt and goes on about her life. Peoples in the community forget about it excessively. Roger Chillingsworth asks, # 8220 ; Is Hester Prynne the less suffering, believe you, for that vermilion missive on her chest? # 8221 ; ( Hawthorne 132 ) . Dimmesdale on the other manus, has to populate with his guilt. He is mentally troubled and his guilt lasts the remainder of his life. Peoples today have no fright about what might go on to them if they commit a offense. We will write a custom essay sample on Thesis Comparing Scarlet Letter And Guilt Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They serve their clip and gaol and are so set free. That is why there is so much offense where we live. For illustration many people in the Mafia are caught and travel to imprison. Most of them do non travel for their full life but for a twosome of old ages. When they do acquire out of prison they are still in the Mafia. The lone thing they learn from being in prison is to cover their paths up better. Peoples sh ould pay for what they do and be punished decently. For illustration, if a adult male rapes a adult female he should be castrated. This manner people would hold fright and non commit offenses. Anguish is besides a better penalty instead so decease. When a individual dies they don # 8217 ; t wage for what they have done, they merely die. When they live with hurting, they pay for it. For illustration, a individual whose havds were cut off for stealing something would endure much more that a individual who was rapidly killed. The lone top of being sent to prison is that people are tortured at that place. Many of the work forces who are sent there are raped by other work forces. The recent film Dead Man Walking, was a true narrative about a adult male that was given the decease punishment fro ravishing a miss and killing both her and her fellow. He should non hold been killed but alternatively tortured. He could non take his guilt that subsequently he confessed in cryings. There are many ways a individual can be punished. The manner our society punishes felons today is non effectual. We need to alter out ways of penalty to more fearful ways that really teach felons what they are making incorrect. The best manner to penalize a individual is torture and to allow them populate with there ain guilt. . Hawthorne, Nathaniel. THE SCARLETT LETTER. Penguin Books Canada Limited: Markham Ontario. 1959
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Physiological and Psychological Factors of Joining a Fitness Club Essay Example
Physiological and Psychological Factors of Joining a Fitness Club Essay Joining a Health and Fitness Club This experiment was conducted in order to find the physiological and psychological effects of joining a health and fitness club. Three hypothesess were studied and investigated. They were Males are fitter than females, Older people will visit the health club more, and There will be a link between self-image and depression. Tests conducted were the coopers twelve minute run to test for vo2 max, Goldbergs depression test, and the egoschool self awareness test. There was also a tally to see how many times older people visit the health club compared to younger people. It was found that males are fitter than females, older people dont visit the health club more than younger people, and that there is a link between self-image and depression. Introduction This study was performed in order to investigate the physiological and psychological effects of joining a health and fitness club. Three hypotheses were looked at during the study to investigate this. People join health clubs for many different reasons. Reasons include, to improve the way we look, to increase self confidence, and for social factors. The main reason however is usually to improve ones fitness. Fitness can be defined by using vo2 max, which in turn can be defined as The maximum rate at which oxygen is consumed during a progressive exercise test to exhaustion. (Davis, Bull, Roscoe 2000) Individuals vo2 max can vary significantly. A trained individuals oxygen consumption will be much less than that of an untrained individual if they both did the same exercise. An individuals vo2 max depends on the capacity of that particular persons cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is said that the cardiovascular capacity determines vo2 max, which in turn determines fitness. We will write a custom essay sample on Physiological and Psychological Factors of Joining a Fitness Club specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physiological and Psychological Factors of Joining a Fitness Club specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physiological and Psychological Factors of Joining a Fitness Club specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer All individuals and groups of people will have different fitness levels. Two different groups which generally have great physiological differences are men and women. At a young age girls mature earlier than boys, which means that girls are generally physically stronger than boys during their early life. One of the reasons for this is that girls reach puberty between the age of ten and thirteen, whereas boys dont reach puberty until the age of twelve to fifteen. This explains why girls are usually more physically stronger and skilled than boys at this young age. However, after puberty it is usually men who are physically stronger. This is because during puberty males grow for longer, to be precise 10% taller and 17% heavier. Also, muscle mass grows greatly in males during puberty. Once adolescence has been reached, the average male is stronger and bigger than the average women. Males also have larger hearts which gives them a greater oxygen transport capacity. Males also have higher haemoglobin content, which gives them a higher oxygen carrying capacity. (Brooks, Fahey, White, and Baldwin 2000) All these facts lead to one of this studies hypothesi ss which is males will be fitter than females. The next hypothesis looked at in this study involved the different age groups visiting the health club. Ageing is something that happens to everyone, and it is something that contributes largely to deteriorating an individuals physiological capacity. Ageing contributes to this deteriorating physiological capacity in many different ways. One physiological factor of ageing is an increase in resting pulse due to decrease in stroke volume. A reduction in cardiac muscle fibre size also causes an increase in resting heart rate and a reduced maximum heart rate. This in turn causes a reduction in maximal cardiac output and hence vo2 max leading to a reduced capacity to deliver oxygen to muscle sites at maximal effort. A persons vo2 max declines at a rate of 10% per decade, starting in late teens, for inactive males and females. Another physiological factor of ageing is that heart rate recovers slower due to an oxygen debt taking longer to remove than in younger people due to a lower rate of blood-flow, and hence a lower oxygen carrying capacity to working muscles. There is also a reduction in lung capacity. The population is older than ever before due to life expectancy being at an all time high. This means that there are many older people involved in exercise. It has been stated that leading causes of death are related to lifestyle, therefore many take up exercise in a belief it will keep them healthier for longer. This is because exercise helps keeps the body healthier and younger. The main physiological factors of exercise on ageing are that exercise gives an individual improved pulmonary functioning, improved cardiovascular functioning, maintenance of strength and hypertrophy, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduced risk of injury, and an increased ability to perform routine tasks in daily life. (Davis et al) Exercise also helps the body fight off diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, insulin resistance, and some cancers. Strength training is very popular amongst older people as it helps prevent bone loss, which reduces the risk of fractures. (Brooks et al) As many older people or people pushing towards middle age know that lifestyle can relate to early death, it can be said that older people have more reason to exercise than younger people. This leads to the second hypothesis in this study which is, Older people will visit the health club more. The final hypothesis in this study researched into self-image and depression In a culture pre occupied with physical appearance, mainly due to the media, self image has become of huge importance. Self image normally involves three concepts that an individual has of themselves. They are, the image you have of the way you look, how much you value yourself, and what you wish you were really like. Self image is the description you would give of the person that you know you are. (Davenport 1995) Another important factor of self image is an individuals body image. This links in to the reasons why people go to a health club, as many visit them to improve their body image. Another factor affecting someones self image is what people say to us, and the way people react to us. Depression is a clinical observation and is one of the most common mood disturbances in all individuals. (Rosenburg 1965) Many people suffer from depression. It is caused by an imbalance of chemicals, and it is not something that can be cured at the click of a finger. Millions of people have depression, and the economic cost of depression is estimated at around 20 billion English sterling, but the cost of human suffering cannot be estimated. There is a link between exercise and depression, where research suggests that exercise effectively reduces depression. In a study run by La Fontaine, Di Lorenzo, Frensch, Stucky-Ropp, Bargmen, and Mcdonald (1992) they found exercise to be such an effective anti depressant that they quoted If exercise could be packed into a pill it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation. This information may show up in the results, in a form such as the more times an individual visits the health club, the less depressed they are. As well as links between depression and exercise, there are said to be links between self-image and depression. It is true that even mild depression can cause a reduction in self esteem, and therefore self-image. It can also be said that if someone has a high self-image, they are likely to have a low level of depression. This is what leads us into the studies final hypothesis which is There will be a relationship between self-image and depression. Method The first measurements recorded were the heights and weight of the sixty participants. The participants weights were measured on an accurate pair of scales. The units used were kilograms. After their weight had been recorded, their height was taken. This was done using a height measuring scale which was connected to the wall. The units used for the participants height was metres and centimetres. After this, each participants fitness was measured. This was done by obtaining all of the participants vo2 max. This was performed by having the participants do the coopers twelve minute run. This was performed on a 400 metre running track. The idea was for each participant to run as fast as they could for twelve continuous minutes around the track. After the twelve minutes was up, the distance ran was measured. This could then be put into an equation and used to calculate the participants vo2 max. The equation used to work this out was (distance covered 504.9 / 44.73.) The coopers twelve minute run is a reliable test as long as the participants run to their maximum, the track is of correct distance, and the stopwatch is reliable. All of this was ensured before the test. Another measurement that had to be taken for this study was the amount of times the participants visited the health club. This was recorded in the form of a tally chart, where each participant had a mark next to their name each time they visited the health club. The sixty participants were set up into young and old categories in order to see if one of the hypothesiss was correct. Out of the sixty participants, 32 were in the old category, and 28 were in the young category. The next factor measured was each participants depression level. This was done using Goldbergs depression test. In this test there are eighteen statements where the participant had to answer with one of five options which were, not at all, only slightly, partly, quite a lot, a lot, and to a great extent. An example of one of the statements is I feel like a failure. Once all the statements had been answered with a response, a score out of ten was given to each participant. Self-image was the final factor to be measured. This was done by using the Egoschool self awareness test. This involved twelve pairs of statements being from one extreme to another, with a scale of eight in between. An example of one of the pairs of statements was I am not self confident at one end of the scale, and I am self confident at the other end. Once all statements had been answered each participant was given a score out of 100.
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