Friday, September 4, 2020
Mcdonalds Corporate Identity Free Essays
Corporate personality is the most noteworthy component to make and reinforce a company’s modern nearness among the contenders. Corporate personality encourages an organization to build up a name in the consumer’s mind and convey its picture to the objective gathering from the most limited way. While uncovering the positive sides among the contenders, it presents the principal sights about the capabilities like quality, trust and solidness. We will compose a custom article test on Mcdonalds Corporate Identity or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now On the off chance that an association is controlled by the standards instead of the supervisors or as such if the standards stay unaltered despite the fact that the administrators are supplanted and if that specific association has capabilities and gauges which isolates it from the others than we can presume that association is a partnership. Organizations don't generally require solid directors. A manager’s achievement in an organization is estimated by his capacity to apply and adjust the current standards. Primary thought behind a corporate personality program is to clarify the association itself and its motivation expressly in all the business done. Late reviews demonstrated that normal human cerebrum is just fit for managing seven distinct units all things considered simultaneously and furthermore positioning them as per the needs. Organizations are barraging the purchasers with notices in the day by day life. For example one thousand and two many ads are circulated every day on a direct in Germany. Items with no name and no particular maker have practically no possibility in a domain like this. In spite of the fact that shoppers state that they are not influenced bu the commercials, they despite everything lean toward the brands they heard previously or seen some place. They favor the brands they perceive. How do the shoppers perceive the brands? They are continually confronting the items yet they need more data about the makers. Since ordinarily purchasers don't have the chance to check out the creation offices, stroll into the workplaces and become acquainted with the administrators. The character permits us to distinguish a specific item and separate it from the indistinguishable. In the event that an association has no character than it is undetectable to the purchasers. First McDonald’s café was opened in 1954 by Dick and Mac McDonald in California, San Bernardino. Presently McDonald’s is the main worldwide food administration retailer with in excess of 32,000 nearby eateries serving in excess of 60 million individuals in 117 nations every day. McDonald’s is worked all around from the organization central command in Oak Brook close to Chicago. Again in Oak Brook, heaps of eatery proprietors and workers around the globe are prepared in the worldwide instruction community considered Hamburger University consistently. Over 75% of McDonald’s cafés overall are possessed and worked by autonomous neighborhood people. [1] All the cafés are worked either by the organization or by franchisees. Constrained by the organization and worked freely, dispersion focuses gracefully the items to all cafés. Moreover, all the eatery workers are prepared away, taking care of and course of action of items and in the conveyance of client assistance. Working in 117 nations, McDonald’s has around 1. 7 million representatives all around the globe in more than 32. 000 cafés as indicated by the corporate site. 66% of hourly paid staff are secondary school graduates matured somewhere in the range of 16 and 20. 90% of staff labor for 35 hours out of each week or less. 2] McDonald’s offers a total advantages bundle including wellbeing insurance, installment, rewards, chance to contribute for the future to its workers. Despite the fact that the organization professes to offer pleasant conditions for the representatives, as of late a portion of the employes documented claims against the organization. One of them sued the organization for weight addition and won. Workers are given v ideo tapes intended to cause the representative to feel great about their first days and give them essential data about McDonald’s. The tapes are viewed as unreasonable and adage by the watchers. Individuals all around the globe favor McDonald’s due to the principles put by the chiefs. McDonald’s gauges was shaped by Ray Kroc when he investigated the best approach to make client devotion is by guaranteeing quality, fruitful assistance and complete cleaning. From that point forward all the moves to improve McDonald’s framework is finished by the principles. That’s how McDonald’s is isolated from different cafés. With the assistance of this guidelines McDonald’s make a corporate personality shaped by productsservice, condition, data and conduct and accordingly guarantees client devotion. The inclination styled by a ground-breaking corporate personality makes an impression of having a place inside the workers and streaming out to the clients it can build client devotion. It likewise encourages the organization to manage merchants and providers just as representatives since it unequivocally imparts the qualities and reason for the association. Corporate character is overseen well by McDonald’s through its history. For example, since the purchaser bunch is changing McDonald’s changed its image picture focusing from kids into grown-ups to spare the client steadfastness. Two years prior McDonald’s was at the head of â€Å"Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index Rankings†in the cheap food class. Despite the fact that the organization was not doing admirably in the rankings recently because of the gossipy tidbits about the cheap food, they have indicated an extraordinary advancement and positioned first in the rundown. [3] People all around the globe incline toward McDonald’s in view of the measures put by the chiefs. McDonald’s norms was shaped by Ray Kroc when he investigated the best approach to make client reliability is by guaranteeing quality, effective help and far reaching cleaning. From that point forward all the moves to improve McDonald’s framework is finished by the measures. That’s how McDonald’s is isolated from different eateries. With the assistance of this guidelines McDonald’s make a corporate character framed by products;service, condition, data and conduct and along these lines guarantees client reliability. The inclination styled by an amazing corporate character makes an impression of having a place inside the representatives and streaming out to the clients it can expand client steadfastness. It likewise encourages the organization to manage sellers and providers just as representatives since it expressly conveys the qualities and motivation behind the association. Corporate personality is overseen well by McDonald’s through its history. For example, since the purchaser bunch is changing McDonald’s changed its image picture focusing from kids into grown-ups to spare the client steadfastness. Two years prior McDonald’s was at the head of â€Å"Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index Rankings†in the inexpensive food class. In spite of the fact that the organization was not doing admirably in the rankings of late because of the gossipy tidbits about the inexpensive food, they have demonstrated an incredible advancement and positioned first in the rundown. As indicated by the ongoing examinations while fulfilled client will educate four or five others regarding a lovely encounter, unsatisfied ones will inform seven to thirteen others concerning it. More significant than that despondent clients continue voicing their disappointment for up to twenty-three years. [4] The most significant issue about recouping a lost client is to gone to the acknowledgment that the organization has committed an error some place and there is an issue with consumer loyalty. There are possibly only sometimes situations when there is a misconception with respect to the issue and in this way it is smarter to expect that the client is correct and requests consideration. In this way, the faculty ought to be prepared so that the individual will do everything available to them to support the client. In not many cases, an unsatisfied client is the person who has gotten completely horrible assistance with respect to the item or the administration itself. More often than not notwithstanding, a lost client isn't a client who has been unsatisfied once but instead a client who has been unsatisfied and furthermore has been unsatisfied with the assistance the individual in question got in regards to the issue. Therefore, an expert intercession at the opportune time rises to accomplishment in bringing the client back and in this manner client strategy ought to be developed around this way of thinking. Mc Donald’s in this sense gives full obligation to its items, the conduct of its representatives and administrators, the cleanliness of its working environments and in particular the duty to help the individuals who felt that their well deserved cash has not purchased enough assistance through whichever implies conceivable. On the off chance that a client discovers that their burger has not been cooked well, McDonald’s workers realize that they ought to supplant it with a legitimate one. In the event that the client is bothered by a person in the café who represents a danger to other people, the McDonald’s security realizes how to deal with the circumstance. In the event that a client is worried about the cleanliness of the kitchen, the supervisor realizes how to persuade the client that the restaurant’s kitchen is up to all inclusive cleanliness principles. As it were, McDonald’s means on satisfying its clients by persuading them that each help they get is better and the workers are prepared than demonstrate it for the customer’s fulfillment. At the point when a client at a McDonald’s eatery has an issue with any part of the administration, the person isn't gone up against with an adverse demeanor, a relentless methodology or a basic â€Å"Take it or leave it†attitude but instead finds a supportive worker searching forward for helping the McDonald’s client. Along these lines, the McDonald’s representative preparing program is a significant piece of the company’s bid. McDonald’s not just picks its representatives thr
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Lean Supply Chain Management Essay
Assembling, Fall River, MA, USA Abstract Lean flexibly is firmly connected with empowering ? ow and the disposal of inefficient variety inside the gracefully chain. In any case, lean tasks rely upon level booking and the developing need to suit assortment and request vulnerability has brought about the rise of the idea of spryness. This paper investigates the job of stock and limit in obliging such variety and identi? es how TRIZ division standards and TOC apparatuses might be joined in the incorporated advancement of responsive and ef? cient gracefully chains. A point by point clothing industry contextual analysis is utilized to outline the utilization of these ideas and instruments. r 2003 Elsevier Science B. V. All rights held. Catchphrases: Agile; Trade-offs; Lean; Quick reaction 1. Acquaintance Outsourcing produce with minimal effort abroad providers is an alluring bait in our worldwide economy, yet frequently embraced without satisfactory respect for the market needs and the comparing requests on the related conveyance frameworks. Items contend in various manners in various markets and conveyance frameworks should be structured in light of this. Seaward flexibly offers appealing cost bene? ts, however the exchange off is regularly significant levels of stock to help a more slow reaction ability.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anglo-Saxon Ideologies And Customary Practices By Pagans
Old English Saxon Ideologies And Customary Practices By Pagans The sonnet Beowulf was composed between the eighth and tenth hundreds of years, a period of extraordinary change. Somewhat English Saxons despite everything ruled England, and Christianity had just gone to the district one hundred or so years prior. In spite of the fact that the new religion spread rapidly, Anglo-Saxon (or Norse) agnosticism and its impact in the English people groups lives didn't die down rapidly. Despite the fact that Beowulf regularly discusses God, the tale of Cain and Abel, and the Great Flood, there are significant agnostic themes and social connections that underly the sonnet and keep it established in old Anglo-Saxon thoughts. The sonnet blends Christian and agnostic convictions, and a nearby perusing shows that there are a lot more agnostic components than promptly self-evident. More than Christianity, agnosticism is the social reason for the general public Beowulf addresses. A few components of Christianity are clear in this sonnet. Grendel is said to have plummeted from Cain, Adam and Eve’s fratricidal child in the Book of Genesis (Heaney, 9), and the sonnet makes visit references to expressing gratitude toward God for presenting triumph to Beowulf. In any case, as Beowulf researcher Benjamin Slade brings up in his discussion looking at the Christian and agnostic components of the story, the writer never names Christ expressly. After his destruction of Grendel, Beowulf requires the â€Å"Almighty Father be thanked†(Heaney, 63). However as Slade calls attention to, expressing appreciation to God and making references to divine gifts and judgment after death are not under any condition select to Christian philosophy. Beowulf contains next to no discussion of Christs instructing of salvation and pardoning, and there is very nearly an only â€Å"Old Testament†feel to the poem’s Christian components. A fascinating point where Christianity and agnosticism cross in the story is the notice of a â€Å"great flood†delineated on the handle of a blade (Heaney, 117). To be sure, there is discussion of an incredible flood in Genesis, yet Slade accurately sees that the flood portrayed in the sonnet â€Å"makes no reference to Noah, or an ark, or the impact of the flood on anybody with the exception of the giants.†A flood executing numerous monsters, in any case, isn't elite to Christianity, but on the other hand is referenced in the agnostic story of Ymir in which the goliaths blood floods the world and murders the various mammoths. Subsequently, it appears that the creator mixed two customs into one beautiful component in an exceptionally uncertain manner. One of the significant agnostic components that is normal over the story is Fate. Destiny was a necessary piece of Anglo-Saxon and Norse religious philosophy, and the Anglo-Saxon society from which Beowulf sprang (and the Norse social orders to which the sonnet talks) despite everything set a lot of trust in it. Destiny is the thing that drives King Hygelac to his demise in fight (Heaney, 85) and is the thing that prompts Grendel’s passing †not just the desire of God. The same amount of talk as there is of Gods elegance and will, there is discussion of predetermination and celestial certainty. Indeed, even in his last minutes, Beowulf talks about his demise and his past wonders as being a piece of his destiny. As the sonnets legend says before battling Grendel: â€Å"Fate goes as ever Fate must†(Heaney, 31). Another agnostic social perfect fundamental to the sonnet is the idea of the quarrel or duel. In Anglo-Saxon and Norse society, the holmgang †the customary duel for settling debates of respect †was viewed as critical to keep up the parity of social concordance (Day). For Hrothgar, the King of the Danes, the need to kill Grendel isn't simply from a need to ensure his realm, however to vindicate the devastation of his corridor at Heorot and the passing of his thanes (retainers) because of Grendel (Heaney, 9-11). Indeed, even the evil mother of Grendel appears to be limited by this code, when she looks for retribution for the demise of her child on account of Beowulf and his partners (Heaney, 89). The Christian perfect of cherishing ones foes and â€Å"turning the other cheek†appears to be obviously missing for the saints in Beowulf, who appear to be limited by the need to keep up the parity of respect by fighting between different segments of society (Day). The sonnet s saint summarizes obviously the Nordic thought of the significance of the fight, in saying â€Å"It is in every case preferable to vindicate darlings over to enjoy mourning†(Heaney, 97). The most basic leftover of Anglo-Saxon agnostic social relations inside Beowulf is the previously mentioned idea of respect. In killing Grendel, it is similarly as significant that Beowulf increased a lot of respect for himself and the Geatish individuals as it was for him to guard the Danes from Grendel and the monster’s mother. Ruler Hrothgar talks unmistakably of family respect, a dits significance to society, inside his family and Beowulfs family after Grendels demise (Heaney 83-85). Indeed, even toward an amazing finish, Beowulf isn't worried about salvation or increase into Heaven, yet rather is increasingly worried about having satisfied a noteworthy life that is deserving of after death esteem (Heaney 189, 213). His passing is an unequivocally agnostic one, with a conventional incineration on a memorial service fire embellished with gold and fortunes, instead of the basic Christian internment customs of the time (which were increasingly worried about the wonders and we alth anticipating the dead in Heaven, not their natural belongings). In spite of the fact that the writer that put Beowulf to paper was more likely than not a Christian, the general public that he occupied was not totally Christianized itself, and the substance and social associations inside the sonnet make this very clear. While there is a lot of discuss God, Cain and Abel, and perfect prizes, there will never be a particular notice of these things being only Christian components of the story. For Beowulf, respect and renown are undeniably more significant than sanctioning Gods will or accomplishing salvation after death, even toward an incredible finish. Along these lines, one can't state that Beowulf is a Christian sonnet, however a story that became out of a general public on the move from agnostic to Christian. WORKS CITED: Slade, Benjamin. â€Å"ã ¾rym gefrunon, helle gemundon: Indogermanic shruti and Christian smriti in the Epistemology of Beowulf.†paper given [in absentia] at 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo (Michigan), 2003. Heaney, Seamus. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. New York: W.W. Norton, 2001. Day, David. â€Å"Hwanan sio faeho aras: Defining the Feud in Beowulf†. Philological Quarterly, Winter 1999, 78:77-95.
A Picinic I Have Enjoyed free essay sample
A Picnic I Have Enjoyed Last Monday was an Independence day. It was an open occasion just as my birthday. So my folks concluded that the entire family would go on an outing. I was upbeat and energized. I was permitted to welcome a portion of my companions to go along with us. My dear companions were additionally glad to join us. We as a whole were eager to anticipate going on a cookout. On the delegated day, we all woke up promptly toward the beginning of the day. We went out at 6 o’clock toward the beginning of the day. We went to Bago where my grandparents live. We went there in our father’s vehicle. At the point when we showed up there , it was around 10 o’clock. My grandparents have a major nursery. It has a tranquil and quiet encompassing. There are numerous sorts of blooming plants and natural product bearing trees in their nursery. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Picinic I Have Enjoyed or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At whatever point I go there ,I picked guavas which I like best. There are additionally swings ,a slide , a see-saw and a little pool. So I and my companions played with them joyfully. In the wake of playing, we took a rest for some time and ate. Everyone was taken care of with spread rice and chicken curry. My grandma made Shwe Yin Aye for dessert. We as a whole delighted in drinking it. Toward the evening a few of us played Monopoly game yet the rest slept for some time. At around three o’clock , we got back. On our way home, my folks took us to the well known pagodas in Bago to give proper respect. It was late when we arrived at home. We were worn out that we as a whole hit the hay early and had sound rest. I think it was the cookout I have appreciated without a doubt. I will always remember it for a mind-blowing duration.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pertaining To Papers For College Students
Pertaining To Papers For College StudentsWhen you have papers for college students, make sure you have the supplies you need. Papers for college students are a necessity, so make sure you have a variety of choices available. You don't want to be stuck using the same old ones you were using years ago. You also don't want to run out of paper because you don't have the proper selection available.The first thing you should do is decide what different kinds of papers you will need. There are standard sizes, measurements, weights, and various other measurements you will need to know. For example, if you are taking physics or chemistry in college, you will need paper sizes and measurement options to help you with your class work. Use whatever you can find that will help you with your requirements. That way, you will not have to worry about running out of paper when you need it most.Keep in mind that paper is recyclable. So try to keep this in mind when you're shopping for papers for college students. You don't want to lose any because you were only thinking about the environment. Paper could be something you could be throwing away, but there is always a way to recycle. For example, you can use it as linoleum, or in other things such as scrapbooking.In fact, many people are getting together to create specialty papers for college students. One example of this is using recycled papers to make ballpoint paper. Then you can take these to a printer to create special pages and get professional-looking pieces of art.While it's important to have paper, many people will not get as much paper as they need from one store. You can get the paper you need, but you may not get the paper you want. This is why it's important to buy papers for college students from several different places. You want to have the option of getting as much paper as you need, but at a price you can afford.Keep in mind that when you buy paper, you will need to consider how long you want it to last. Some will not last as long as others, so it's best to get the one that will last longer and is affordable. Also, make sure you can get replacement pieces of paper to fix the errors on your original piece.Another important thing to remember is that if you need to have the paper before a deadline, you might not have enough time to order the paper. Check the printer online to see if you can pick up additional paper. This way, you can still get the paper you need for the semester before the deadline.It's all about trying to have as many different options available as possible for the papers for college students. As long as you do this, you will be able to get the paper you need without having to go through the hassle of having to return it. And as long as you have a variety of papers available, you can always replace or add to them as your needs change.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Wait will be over next week, hopefully sooner - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Wait will be over next week, hopefully sooner - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Wait will be over next week, hopefully sooner Starting today, we begin offering admission to almost 100 students who had accepted our offer to be on our Wait List. Since we have filled our Fall class from those admitted and who paid their deposit, the few offered admission from the Waiting List will begin their UGA First Year enrollment in January for the Spring 2014 term. The day each of these admission decisions are made, we will email the good news with attached information about their two-week Commitment Deposit deadline, campus housing, Orientation and other pre-enrollment issues. At the same time we will update their Status Check. The good news for the University is that spots for Fall admission were totally filled by admitted students who sent deposits by the Commitment deadline. But that left only a handful of Wait List spots, almost all for the Spring term. As soon as possible in the coming days, we plan to email the rest of the 700 or so wait-listed students who cannot be offered admission and update their Status Check screens one final time. For those many good students we were not able to admit from the Wait List, we thank you for choosing us as one of the options for your higher education. We wish you the very best of college success. We understand that this is not the news you were hoping for, and we very much appreciate your patience “waiting on the Waiting List.†Also, please remember that there are a number of complex reasons why the University made the final decisions it did, and we respectfully remind all that this blog cannot be used for comments about why you or other individuals did or did not get admitted in this last round of consideration.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre Industry - 550 Words
Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre Industry (Essay Sample) Content: Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre IndustrySamuel NgangaWritersCashSeptember 12, 2014 The movie theater industry entails companies, which specialize in film exhibition. These include outdoor and indoor movie theatres and cinemas. Ever since the first movie theatre experience in 1894 in the US, demand for theatre services continually grew from the beginning of the 20th century onwards. This led to emergence of theatrical industries worldwide. Under current estimation, there are more than 130,000 movie theatres worldwide, with over 38,000 being in the United Sates alone (Tribune Business). This is an implication that there is intense competition rivalry within the industry and thus, creates an interest for research consideration. In order to understand this, it is imperative that a multidimensional analysis of competition factors such as market growth, differentiation, capacity, economic impact, technology and culture and barriers be undertaken to prove or disappr ove this thesis. The industry experiences changing demand trends as evident from Industry statistics. Although, attendance reports indicate that demand for these services in 2013 has tremendously declined from 1946, from 28 to 6 per person per year, global financial statistics indicate that it experienced growth in 2013, by passing the 35 billion dollar mark, and thus one of the largest in history. This growth was larger than the previous year by 4% (Glover, 2014). In the US and Canada region, the industry is worth over 10 billion dollars. These growth trends were attributed to continual expansive growth of large exhibitors such as Cineplex and Nickelodeon. Reports on small exhibitors indicate insignificant growth. Film obtaining costs also limit industrial competition. Liberatore (2012) argues that the costs of obtaining films for theatre are very high. Only large exhibitors have the financial abilities to meet them. This locks out small exhibitors and thus reduces the levels of market rivalry (PR Newswire). Additionally, the former are given advertising rights by movie production companies and consequently, get a superior competition platform to the latter. This in turn diminishes marketplace rivalry. Differentiation in the industry is service and price oriented. There is little price difference between them and therefore consumers prefer main exhibitors. The average ticket for a movie is approximately $8 across the platform (Glover, 2014). The costs of operation and maintenance remain high, hindering small exhibitors from further price reductions. Competition thus, becomes limited. Capacity in the industry is imbalanced. Large exhibitors have large audience capacities and space as compared to small ones. Availability of enough space is a key consumer preference in the industry. Given that only the former meet space assurance requirements, most consumers prefer their movie experiences and are most likely to purchase tickets from these service providers (Kanny, 2010). This creates a disadvantage to small exhibitors. Technological changes have affected consumer theatrical experiences. The digital age has risen to 65%. With availability of television sets, iPads, and computers, most consumers achieve theatrical experiences within their homes. Most movies are downloadable online, presenting ease with this experience. However, according to Liberatore (2012), emergences of IMAX and 3D technologies have retained the industrys market relevance as consumers prefer them. The costs of purchase and implementation of these technologies are beyond small exhibitors abilities. This gives an advantage of market dominance to large exhibitors. Brand popularity and thus loyalty within the industry is also a notable factor. Most consumers easily identify and relate to leading industrial brands such as Regas, Cinemark, Cineplex and Nickelodeon (Liberatore, 2012). They, in turn, continue to dominate the market as small exhibitors find it difficult in marching such brand competition. This limitation reduces market rivalry. From the discussion, it is evident that there is little market competition in the movie theatre industry. Technological inventions and factors, brand loyalty, capacity satisfaction, costs of operation and consistencies in prices have reduced competition, enabling large exhibitors to thrive at the expense of small exhibitors. ReferencesBRIEF: Sculpting competition to aid in queen the... Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre Industry - 550 Words Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre Industry (Essay Sample) Content: Competitive Rivalry in the Movie Theatre IndustrySamuel NgangaWritersCashSeptember 12, 2014 The movie theater industry entails companies, which specialize in film exhibition. These include outdoor and indoor movie theatres and cinemas. Ever since the first movie theatre experience in 1894 in the US, demand for theatre services continually grew from the beginning of the 20th century onwards. This led to emergence of theatrical industries worldwide. Under current estimation, there are more than 130,000 movie theatres worldwide, with over 38,000 being in the United Sates alone (Tribune Business). This is an implication that there is intense competition rivalry within the industry and thus, creates an interest for research consideration. In order to understand this, it is imperative that a multidimensional analysis of competition factors such as market growth, differentiation, capacity, economic impact, technology and culture and barriers be undertaken to prove or disappr ove this thesis. The industry experiences changing demand trends as evident from Industry statistics. Although, attendance reports indicate that demand for these services in 2013 has tremendously declined from 1946, from 28 to 6 per person per year, global financial statistics indicate that it experienced growth in 2013, by passing the 35 billion dollar mark, and thus one of the largest in history. This growth was larger than the previous year by 4% (Glover, 2014). In the US and Canada region, the industry is worth over 10 billion dollars. These growth trends were attributed to continual expansive growth of large exhibitors such as Cineplex and Nickelodeon. Reports on small exhibitors indicate insignificant growth. Film obtaining costs also limit industrial competition. Liberatore (2012) argues that the costs of obtaining films for theatre are very high. Only large exhibitors have the financial abilities to meet them. This locks out small exhibitors and thus reduces the levels of market rivalry (PR Newswire). Additionally, the former are given advertising rights by movie production companies and consequently, get a superior competition platform to the latter. This in turn diminishes marketplace rivalry. Differentiation in the industry is service and price oriented. There is little price difference between them and therefore consumers prefer main exhibitors. The average ticket for a movie is approximately $8 across the platform (Glover, 2014). The costs of operation and maintenance remain high, hindering small exhibitors from further price reductions. Competition thus, becomes limited. Capacity in the industry is imbalanced. Large exhibitors have large audience capacities and space as compared to small ones. Availability of enough space is a key consumer preference in the industry. Given that only the former meet space assurance requirements, most consumers prefer their movie experiences and are most likely to purchase tickets from these service providers (Kanny, 2010). This creates a disadvantage to small exhibitors. Technological changes have affected consumer theatrical experiences. The digital age has risen to 65%. With availability of television sets, iPads, and computers, most consumers achieve theatrical experiences within their homes. Most movies are downloadable online, presenting ease with this experience. However, according to Liberatore (2012), emergences of IMAX and 3D technologies have retained the industrys market relevance as consumers prefer them. The costs of purchase and implementation of these technologies are beyond small exhibitors abilities. This gives an advantage of market dominance to large exhibitors. Brand popularity and thus loyalty within the industry is also a notable factor. Most consumers easily identify and relate to leading industrial brands such as Regas, Cinemark, Cineplex and Nickelodeon (Liberatore, 2012). They, in turn, continue to dominate the market as small exhibitors find it difficult in marching such brand competition. This limitation reduces market rivalry. From the discussion, it is evident that there is little market competition in the movie theatre industry. Technological inventions and factors, brand loyalty, capacity satisfaction, costs of operation and consistencies in prices have reduced competition, enabling large exhibitors to thrive at the expense of small exhibitors. ReferencesBRIEF: Sculpting competition to aid in queen the...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gender, Social Class, And Slut Discourse On Campus
1. â€Å"Good Girls†: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus Authors: Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Laura T. Hamilton, Elizabeth M. Armstrong and J. Lotus Seeley Citation: Armstrong, E. A. et al. Good Girls: Gender, Social Class, And Slut Discourse On Campus. Social Psychology Quarterly 77.2 (2014): 100-122. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. The journal article addresses the issue of undergraduate women using slut shaming and the actual reason women participate in it. 2. The theory being tested in the article is that women participate in slut shaming as a way for them to distance or separate themselves from other women. The reason they separate themselves is a way for women to categorize other women into different statuses and a way for themselves to maintain their own status. The status classes women are categorized in are linked to the social class they are a part of. Slut shaming among women is not necessarily based on their sexual acts, but of the way they act as a woman. The theory also states that slut shaming is also a result of male dominance and female submission. The slut label was created by men due to a double standard created by society. The double standard is that men are expected to act upon their sexual desires regardless of being in a relationship or having any emotional connection with the person they’re engaging that sexual act with all while women are only allowed to participate in sexual activities if they are in a lovi ng and committed relationship. However, ifShow MoreRelatedGender, Social Class, And Slut Discourse On Campus Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pagesare belittled in their slut shaming and are therefore degraded and neglected in their social life. Collectively Elizabeth A. Armstrong; Laura T. Hamilton; Elizabeth M. Armstrong; and J. Lotus Seeley composed an article, ‘ Good Girls : Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus’ in 2014 for Social Psychology Quarterly (p. 100-122), utilizing observations on social psychology, gender, and culture to argue that undergraduate females exploit shaming to construct social barriers around statusRead MoreCollege Students Perceptions Of Slut Shaming Discourse On Campus1005 Words  | 5 PagesCOLLEGE STUDENTS PERCEPTIONS OF SLUT-SHAMING DISCOURSE ON CAMPUS A Graduate Research Project by VANESSA ADRIANA ALMAZAN Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies Texas AM University-Kingsville in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2015 Major Subject: Counseling and Guidance ABSTRACT College Students Perceptions of Slut-Shaming Discourse on Campus (Spring 2015) Vanessa A. Almazan, M.A., Texas AM University-KingsvilleRead MoreJournal Article Evaluation And Critique1625 Words  | 7 PagesGirls†: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus. Social Psychology Quarterly, 77(100), 100-122. Doi: 10.1177/0190272514521220. The issue that the authors address is trying to find an explanation and understanding of why women actively participate in slut shaming. 2. The theory that was tested was whether women participate in slut stigma in order to maintain their different status in regards to social standing. The main concepts of this was that women considered as low-class (women thatRead MoreSex, Love And Autonomy And The Teenage Sleepover By Amy T. Schalet1760 Words  | 8 PagesGender For those of us that are parents, we know that raising a child to adulthood is not an easy task but one which we do lovingly (hopefully) and responsibly. I’ll go out on a limb to say here that everyone agrees that the teenage years are the most challenging. The general consensus is that teenagers are unruly, aggressive, careless, spoiled and dependent on technology. On the other hand, I believe along with a small group of other parents that teenagers are also brilliant and in the process
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay Pro Euthanasia - 711 Words
Pro Euthanasia Most people want to live their life with dignity and die with dignity. People make important choices and decisions through out their life. Some of these decisions are very difficult and even life changing. We live in a democratic society where we are free to make these decisions. Death is an unavoidable event and happens to everyone. Death can be quick or it can make our love ones suffer miserably. Some people become very ill or have devastating physical problems they must deal with daily. They have a constitutional right to refuse treatment. Most patients trust in their doctor to help them deal with their illness. As their suffering increases, their self-respect decreases. A person should have the freedom to end their life†¦show more content†¦These events are also described in (1 Chronicles 10:3-7). Saul took his life because of his injuries. He knew when the Philistines arrived; he would be tortured and brutally killed by them. Saw knew his death would be dragged out l ike a helpless person, slowly and painfully dying, so he quickly killed himself. Think if someone you cherished was dying due to an organ failure or the need of a new organ. There are long waiting lists for hearts, kidneys, livers, and other organs that are necessary to save the lives of people who can be saved. Doctor-assisted suicide allows physicians to preserve vital organs that can be donated to others. However, if certain diseases are not stopped quickly and spread, the organs may weaken or stop working all together. Friends and family of the patient suffers just as much or more than the patient themselves. Death should not be a dragged out painful thing and Assisted suicide shows compassion for the dying(Rifkin 18). Right now there is a shortage of medical staff in this country, especially nurses. If someone is going to eventually die and is desperately hanging on, why not grant their last wish and use that unneeded medical attention on someone who can be saved. Dr. Pieter Admiraal, and anesthesiologist and the first Dutch physician to express his opin ion stated, The main reason patients request euthanasia are the loss of dignity that may accompany theShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia: The Pros and Cons1281 Words  | 6 Pages Euthanasia: The pros Anatomy Durkos Sarah Carter Jan 6, 2013 Over the years there has been a debate on whether euthanasia is a â€Å"humane†form of death. Some believe it isnt humane and others believe euthanasia is personal choice. Euthanasia is legal Australia and in four states in the united states. The legality of euthanasia is based on ethics primarily. I am pro euthanasia for many reasons; Euthanasia is cheaper, it ends the suffering of patients, and self determinism. Read MoreEuthanasia Essay - Pro Euthanasia Argumentative Essay1148 Words  | 5 PagesImani Henry Mr. Dowie Honors English 9 1/13/17 Pro Euthanasia Argumentative Essay Euthanasia is the act of intentionally killing someone to end suffering, with and without their consent. This practice has been around since the beginning of time and has been practiced by different cultures all over the world. In the United States currently, only 5 states allow the option of euthanasia. All states throughout the USA should allow the act of euthanasia. Considering it is within the 1st amendment dueRead MorePersuasive Essay Pro Euthanasia954 Words  | 4 PagesLee AP Language and composition Persuasive essay 6 October 2017 Euthanasia legalization The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. Aristotle Being one of the most fervid and controversial topic of all, euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide, has initiated a very sensitive discussion on life and death under one’s ability to choose either side. Euthanasia is defined as a â€Å"the act or practice of killing or permitting theRead MoreActive Euthanasia Pros and Cons Essay1640 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Euthanasia is a long debated topic, going back for decades in our country alone. Both sides of the topic have valid points morally and ethically. The Netherlands have had euthanasia laws in effect since 1973. America has very few states with legislation on the books: Oregon enacted in 1997, Washington 2008. Germany experimented with Active Euthanasia in the 1930’s, resulting in one of the most horrendous genocides in the past millennium. No where else do we have a cohort more at riskRead MoreEssay Pro Euthanasia1372 Words  | 6 Pagesright now euthanasia is illegal in many countries and is a very controversial topic. Is it compassion for the patient helping them in ending their life or murder? The doctor is not giving death as an option, it is the patients choice and even where it is legal there are many rules. Euthanasia should not be considered a crime because the patient is not being murdered; they are having their suffering end in a painless, humane way out of compa ssion for the patient and their family. Euthanasia is definedRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Euthanasia1086 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia, good or bad? In this following article I will be exploring euthanasia in more detail, the different Christian points of view, the strengths and weaknesses of the euthanasia argument and finally my point of view on euthanasia and why I believe this. First of all, what is euthanasia? It is something that not many people think about until they or a friend or family member is put in a position where they might actually have to consider it. Euthanasia, in the dictionary, simply is: theRead MoreEssay about Pro Legalization of Euthanasia1915 Words  | 8 Pageslike water, and all my bones are out of joint, my heart is like wax, it is melted within my breast, my mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws, you lay me in the dust of death (Psalm 22) Some might say euthanasia is wrong, it is murder, it is an inhumane act. But is it not inhumane to see another person’s unbearable suffering and not release them when they long to be released? Is it not cruel to watch a person in a vegetative state, with no brainwavesRead MorePro Euthanasia Argument in Mla Format Essay1792 Words  | 8 PagesArgument Essay Euthanasia Active euthanasia should be permitted as a medical treatment to allow people the right to die with dignity without pain and in peace. Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide or mercy killing, takes on many different forms. When most Americans think of euthanasia, they think of a specific form that is referred to as â€Å"active euthanasia†which means to actively do something that will end a patient’s life with or without that individual’s consent. When euthanasia is performedRead MorePros And Cons Of Euthanasia915 Words  | 4 Pages Legalizing Euthanasia The issue of legalizing euthanasia is a highly debated, and emotional issue. There are many pros and cons to each side of this debate. One must weigh each side of the issue, and be sure they have complete, and accurate information before deciding whether euthanasia should be legalized or not. It is crucial to make sure people are using the correct definition of euthanasia, which is â€Å"the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in anRead MorePro Euthanasia Paper2072 Words  | 9 Pagespatient; it is the patient who takes the initiative. It also does not giver permission for a person to commit suicide; actually suicide is legal in most jurisdictions currently. Families will not be allowed to take the initiative to administer euthanasia, nor will anyone other than the patient seeking it. If the patient is not in a competent, unaltered state of mind they will not be able to receive the assistance in their suicide. Also, if it were to be legalized, a misconception is that it will
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Comparing Analects And Chuang Tzu Death - 947 Words
Analects Chuang Tzu: Death Should death be mourned as in The Analects or embraced as in the Chuang-Tzu? According to The Analects, Confucians believe that death should be mourned. This is in stark contrast to the Taoist belief, as outlined in the Chuang-Tzu, which states that death should be embraced. Each are approaches to coping with death, but I agree with the Confucian way of thinking that death should be mourned. Mourning appears to be the most natural way people handle death. It is necessary to differentiate between the various types of deaths and also define what the Confucian way of mourning is. Two kinds of death portrayed in each text are one s own death and the death of a loved one. The Analects goes even further and distinguishes between the mourning process for the death of a parent, family member and a friend. According to The Analects, Confucians do not appear to mourn one’s own death. They believe that if a person was following the Way in the morning, that it is okay to die in the evening (4:8). As far as the purpose of one’s life, The Analects places more of an emphasis on living one’s life according to the Way, and when time is up, accept death. The text reads, â€Å"Be steadfast unto death in pursuit of the good Way,†(8:13). This can be interpreted to mean that one should not worry about death, but on living one’s life in a manner that is consistent with the Way. If that Way should lead to death, it is what was meant to happen. The Confucian mourning
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
President Roosevelt And The United States - 1479 Words
After President William McKinley was assassinated in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president ever elected into office at the age of 42. He promised the American people that he would carry out McKinley’s policies. His most famous motto was â€Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick†which simply meant let your actions do the talking. President Roosevelt quickly became a master politician and believed that a president is meant to lead boldly. President Roosevelt believed that he has the right to take any action in the general interest of the public that is not prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. During the Spanish-American War, the U.S.S. Oregon had to travel all the way around South America just to join the fleet in Cuba. For this†¦show more content†¦The school board in California separated the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students from the rest and treated them harshly. This issue rapidly became widely known in the United States and Japan and both sides went crazy. Many people also talked about a possible war with Japan. President Roosevelt eventually stepped in and invited the the school board to the White House to discuss a deal known as the â€Å"Gentlemen’s Agreement.†The Gentlemen’s Agreement stated that the school board will ban the separation policy against the Asians and that Japan would stop the emigration of laborers to California. President Roosevelt wanted to show how strong America was because he felt worried that Japan would think he came up with the agreement out of fear. He was going to show America’s strength by send ing the U.S.’ new naval fleet on a tour around the world. This became known as the â€Å"Great White Fleet†and it went to Latin America, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. The U.S was respected greatly by countries all throughout the trip, especially by Japan. Both countries agreed to respect one another’s territorial boundaries in order to honor China’s Open Door policy through the Root-Takahira agreement which was signed by the U.S. and Japan in 1908. During Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency, many improvements were made in the meat industry that greatly benefited the nation. After Upton
Sybil Movie Analysis Free Essays
The Sybil movie demonstrates the life of a young student graduate (Shirley Mason) who is diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder due to the psychological trauma that she suffered while young. The multiple disorder is believed to emanate from the severe child abuse that she went through which later developed to 16 different personality traits in her immune system. Moreover, the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) causative trauma involves physical and sexual abuses as well as emotional disturbances. We will write a custom essay sample on Sybil: Movie Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Loss of an important friend or family member is also a developing factor for DID. It is argued to worsen as a result of painful memories, which are stressful in nature and are being thought on a daily basis. Sybil’s parents were always violent and negligence, an act that left an unforgettable past memory in her mind, tearing her mind into several pieces which are different to isolate the pain. One of the symptoms which are evident from the disorder that Sybil suffered from is the auditory hallucinations. It is believed that the disorder affected Sybil’s the auditory nerves making her have some hearing problems. She also showed a weird reaction towards unexplainable phobias such as purple color. Her disorder extremely begun from child abuse and trauma. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Wilbur mentions portrayal of the disorder as a psychological method of coping up with the disease. Her interaction with Doctor Wilbur provides her with more accurate portrayal diagnosis and treatment of the Dissociated Identity Disorder. Moreover, the doctor performed frequent screen tests which minimized Sybil’s mind. The screen tests involved picture presentations, questions, and scents that might have associated with her trauma. Furthermore, the doctor confronts Sybil’s past experiences in the psycho-therapeutic sessions. Finally, Sybil was subjected to clinical hypnosis to help in unlocking her past experiences, anger as well as anxiety. However, the prolonged memory of her past severe experiences of child abuse made Sybil suffer from the disorder for quite longer. To conclude, Dissociative Identical Disorder is a terrible disease that is majorly caused by trauma, psychological torture and deep depression linger in one’s mind on a daily basis. It is associated with child abuse which stirs up painful memories, resulting in mental impairment. Sybil suffers from auditory hallucinations, lack of sleep and many other symptoms as a result of the disorders. How to cite Sybil: Movie Analysis, Papers
Business Outsourcing Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Business Outsourcing with the Advantages and Disadvantages. Answer: Introduction Outsourcing is considered being the business strategic aspect that assists in moving the functional aspects, methods, activities as well as decisions of a company having the accountability from within a company to external providers. This occurs through the negotiation of contract agreements with a vendor taking the responsibility in respect of the method of production, management of people, quality, customer service as well as major asset management regarding the functional aspects. There exist different reasons for an organization in choosing the aspect of outsourcing specific functions of business. Certain common reasons take into consideration the aspect to reduce as well as control the operating costs. Also, to improve the focus of the organization, gain access to capabilities that are considered being world class, to free internal resources in respect of other purposes, to streamline or increase effectiveness in respect of functions that are time-consuming. Moreover, to do the maximization regarding the utilization of external resources as well as to share risks with a partner organization. Varied industries are outsourcing various aspects regarding their businesses, but certain basic operational functions that are getting outsourced includes human resources, information technology, accounting as well as payroll processing, facility management, manufacturing, fulfilment of orders, customer call centres, marketing research as well as legal aspects Business Outsourcing A Brief Study Business Outsourcing is considered to be the aspect of allocating particular business processes to a specialist external provider of services. In majority of the times, a company is not able to do the handling of every aspect regarding a business process internally. In addition, certain methods are temporary and the company is not intending to hire in-house experts for performing the tasks. After outsourcing the task to the service provider, the individual will be accountable to carry out the tasks as well as maintain the assets of the company. Moreover, business outsourcing can be explained as the strategic utilization of outside resources for performing activities that were traditionally handled by internal employees as well as resources (Hair 2015). Outsourcing is considered being a strategic aspect that will assist a company in contracting out main functional aspects to the providers of services that are considered being specialized as well as well as effective. These service pro viders finally become valued business partners. In certain cases, outsourcing is having the involvement of transferring staffs from an organization to the outsourcing organization (Becker 2013). Outsourcing is considered being the business strategic aspect that assists in moving the functional aspects, methods, activities as well as decisions of a company having the accountability from within a company to external providers. This occurs through the negotiation of contract agreements with a vendor taking the responsibility in respect of the method of production, management of people, quality, customer service as well as major asset management regarding the functional aspects. The method will be significantly reducing the fixed organizational overhead expenses (Lacity 2014). Reason for the companies to do outsourcing There exist different reasons for an organization in choosing the aspect of outsourcing specific functions of business. Certain common reasons take into consideration the aspect to reduce as well as control the operating costs. Also, to improve the focus of the organization, gain access to capabilities that are considered being world class, to free internal resources in respect of other purposes, to streamline or increase effectiveness in respect of functions that are time-consuming (Cavusgil 2014). Moreover, to do the maximization regarding the utilization of external resources as well as to share risks with a partner organization. Also, the major factors that have led to the rising trend of outsourcing are having the absence of expert-labour in certain areas of the business method, having the presence of cheaper labour, while not compromising on the output quality as well as having the capability as well as feasibility for focusing on the other essential processes of business. These factors, in a specific manner made the contribution to majority of the outsourced partners in various locations throughout the world (Schniederjans 2015). The aspect of outsourcing assists in allowing the companies towards focusing on their core business as well as creating a competitive advantage through the reduction of the functional costs. The best aspect of outsourcing is that the overall functional aspect of an organization or simply a part of it can get outsourced. For instance, an organization can be outsourcing the network management oversight regarding an IT process whereas maintaining internal end-user assistance (Cavusgil 2013). This will be providing the company with a proper balance of on-site staff assistance. Companies are using the aspect of outsourcing as a strategic endeavour for improving the service to the customers, quality as well as cost reduction. Outsourcing can be considered being a permanent or temporary agreement for bridging the gap regarding staffing, for learning effective techniques or improving the flawed product design. When a company tries to look for opportunities relating to outsourcing, it is requ ired observing the potential areas as well as every element within that area for making the determination whether a part or the overall functional aspect is required getting outsourced (Chou 2015). Varied industries are outsourcing various aspects regarding their businesses, but certain basic operational functions that are getting outsourced includes human resources, information technology, accounting as well as payroll processing, facility management, manufacturing, fulfilment of orders, customer call centres, marketing research as well as legal aspects. Requirements for successful outsourcing In the earlier times, cost or reductions of headcount were considered being the most basic outsourcing reasons. In the current scenario, the drivers are mostly considered having more strategic aspects and are focusing on the aspect to carry out value-adding activities internally where a company can do the optimum utilization of its individual core proficiencies. The most essential areas in respect of a successful outsourcing program take into consideration the clarity that is concerned with the goals and objectives of an organization. Also, a strategic vision as well as plan, the selection of vendor, the aspect of relationship management and subcontract as well as vendor agreements that are structured in a proper manner. Moreover, having open communication that will be affecting the stakeholders, senior leadership assistance as well as involvement, attending personal matters very carefully and also short period financial justifications (Wuyts 2015). Open Communication Open communication as well as executive assistance are specifically significant regarding an outsourcing process that is considered being successful. Additional consideration is required regarding a functioning Service Level Agreement (SLA) that is having an open availability for every employee that is having an involvement. Irrespective of the result of the arrangement regarding outsourcing, the management of change is considered to be the basic aspect regarding a programs success. To do the assessment of the requirement of the stakeholders is considered being the primary aspect of this method, as well as to have open communication channels in this period is considered to be essential. Every concerned individual should be having an involvement in this method (Lacity 2013). Executive Assistance Strategic goals, like outsourcing plans should definitely be coming from the top organizational level. There is the requirement for the senior management in articulating the goals as well as objectives regarding the outsourcing endeavour as well as communicating in which way the method will be benefitting a company. In the current scenario, the managers are looking forward and trying to recognize the responsibilities to ensure that the success of the companys outsourcing endeavours should not come to a halt when the contract is on the verge of getting ended (Markus 2015). Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Business Functions Advantages of Outsourcing Cost Savings There can occur major cost savings when the outsourcing of business function occurs. Costs regarding staff compensation, expenses regarding office space as well as other expenses related with the aspect of offering a space for work or setups regarding manufacturing are discarded and resources are freed up in respect of various purposes. Focusing on Core Business Outsourcing assists the companies for focusing on their proficiency as well as core business. When companies are going outside their proficiencies, they will be getting into the functional aspects of business as well as methods about which they might not be having the appropriate knowledge. For instance, when a grocery store makes the decision of adding a florist to their functional aspect, there might occur a situation in which providing too much concentration on the florist part of the business might be resulting in the organization losing focus of their actual business of grocery (Vaidhyanathan 2013). Better Quality There will occur the actualization of better quality by vendors having more proficiency as well as increased specialized methods. Customer Satisfaction The beneficial aspect of having a vendor contract is that they are bound to specific levels relating to service as well as quality. Functional Effectiveness Outsourcing assists a company in getting exposure to vendor specialized methods. Specialization assists in providing more effectiveness that assists in allowing a quicker turnaround time as well as increased quality standards (Lacity 2014). Risk Sharing The aspect of outsourcing specific elements of a business process assists a company in shifting specific responsibilities to the outsourced vendor. Since, the outsourced vendor is considered being an expert, they will assist in effective mitigation of the risk factors. Reduced Operational as well as Recruitment Expenses Outsourcing assists in eluding the requirements for hiring staffs internally, as a result there occur the minimization of recruitment as well as operational expenses in a significant manner (Gerbl 2015). Disadvantages of Outsourcing Risk of exposing confidential data When a company does the outsourcing of HR, Payroll as well as services regarding Recruitment, there is the involvement of risk that is associated with the exposure of confidential information of the organization to a 3rd party. Synchronizing the deliverables When the correct partner is not being chosen in respect of outsourcing, there occurs certain areas of problem that takes into consideration stretched delivery time frames, quality output that is of low standard as well as unsuitable categorization of accountabilities. Sometimes, it is more easy in regulating these factors within a company in comparison to an outsourced partner (McIvor 2016). Hidden expenses Even though, in majority of times outsourcing is considered being cost efficient, but in certain times there is the involvement of hidden expenses that is associated with the signing of a contract. Moreover, signing a contract across global boundaries might be posing a major threat. Quality Risk Due to outsourcing, there can occur the aspect of exposing a company to probable threats as well as legal exposure. Barriers regarding language When the outsourcing of a customer call centre is done to a country that is speaking a different language, there might occur dissatisfaction levels in respect of customers to deal with the barriers of language of an individual having a strong accent (Lacity 2015). Organizational Information An outsourced staff might not be having similar understanding as well as passion in respect of a company as a regular staff. There might occur the situation when an outsourced staff will be coming in contact with the customers and will be not having sufficient knowledge regarding the company that will result in having a negative experience in respect of the customers. Conclusion To conclude it can be stated that, business outsourcing is having both advantages as well as disadvantages. Outsourcing assists the companies for focusing on their proficiency as well as core business. When companies are going outside their proficiencies, they will be getting into the functional aspects of business as well as methods about which they might not be having the appropriate knowledge. For instance, when a grocery store makes the decision of adding a florist to their functional aspect, there might occur a situation in which providing too much concentration on the florist part of the business might be resulting in the organization losing focus of their actual business of grocery. When the correct partner is not being chosen in respect of outsourcing, there occurs certain areas of problem that takes into consideration stretched delivery time frames, quality output that is of low standard as well as unsuitable categorization of accountabilities. When the correct partner is no t being chosen in respect of outsourcing, there occurs certain areas of problem that takes into consideration stretched delivery time frames, quality output that is of low standard as well as unsuitable categorization of accountabilities. Sometimes, it is more easy in regulating these factors within a company in comparison to an outsourced partner. References Becker, J., Kugeler, M. and Rosemann, M. eds., 2013.Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. Springer Science Business Media. Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J.R., Rammal, H.G. and Rose, E.L., 2014.International business. Pearson Australia. Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G.A. and Riesenberger, J.R., 2013.A framework for international business. Pearson. Chou, S.W., Techatassanasoontorn, A.A. and Hung, I.H., 2015. Understanding commitment in business process outsourcing relationships.Information Management,52(1), pp.30-43. Gerbl, M., McIvor, R., Loane, S. and Humphreys, P., 2015. A multi-theory approach to understanding the business process outsourcing decision.Journal of World Business,50(3), pp.505-518. Hair, J.F., 2015.Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe. Lacity, M. and Willcocks, L., 2014. Business process outsourcing and dynamic innovation.Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal,7(1), pp.66-92. Lacity, M. and Willcocks, L., 2014. Business process outsourcing and dynamic innovation.Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal,7(1), pp.66-92. Lacity, M.C. and Willcocks, L.P., 2013. Outsourcing business processes for innovation.MIT Sloan management review,54(3), p.63. Lacity, M.C., Solomon, S., Yan, A. and Willcocks, L.P., 2015. Business process outsourcing studies: a critical review and research directions. InFormulating Research Methods for Information Systems(pp. 169-251). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Markus, M.L. and Jacobson, D.D., 2015. The governance of business processes. InHandbook on Business Process Management 2(pp. 311-332). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. McIvor, R., 2016. An analysis of the application of process improvement techniques in business process outsourcing.International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,33(3), pp.321-343. Schniederjans, M.J., Schniederjans, A.M. and Schniederjans, D.G., 2015.Outsourcing and insourcing in an international context. Routledge. Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014.Business process management. Routledge. Vaidhyanathan, S., Dev, L. and Shattacharyya, D., Oracle Financial Services Software Limited, 2013.System and method for determining outsourcing suitability of a business process in an enterprise. U.S. Patent 8,392,240. Wuyts, S., Rindfleisch, A. and Citrin, A., 2015. Outsourcing customer support: The role of provider customer focus.Journal of Operations Management,35, pp.40-55.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Macroeconomic Indicators in India and United Kingdom
Question: A major multinational corporation has appointed you as an economic advisor. You are requested to compile a report regarding the macroeconomic environment in two countriesIndia and United Kingdom where the firm operates and explain how it might affect the companys economic activity. Answers: Introduction (2015) reveals that Samsung Electronics is one of the biggest multi-billion dollar companies on the planet. In 2007 it surpassed the $100bn check in yearly sales without precedent for its history. This makes it one of the world's main three organizations in the industry for electronics where just two different organizations, Siemens and Hewlett-Packard, have posted bigger incomes. The name Samsung truly signifies Tristar or three stars in Korean, mirroring the Samsung Group's predominance in two further divisions: Samsung Engineering and Construction and Samsung Heavy industries. In the event that one talks about the development in Samsung, it has presently been the pioneer in the industry for electronics, giving a scope of leading edge premium products and, in their own particular words, pioneering the digital convergence revolution. In this manner Samsung has made an amazing change from being a copycat maker to turn into Asia's most profitable technological organi zation. Macroeconomic Indicators in India Krueger (2002) describes that the following are the main indicators of Indian macroeconomic demonstrates the period during 1999 to 2013: Inflation the greatest risk to the economy of Indian and in general for the Samsung Electronics. A diligently high inflation hampers the demand for consumers and influences the profitability. In the long run, it influences the monetary development and additionally the value of the cash. In India, inflation has stayed hoisted for quite a while. Ghate (2012) describes that the constrained the Reserve Bank of India to keep premium rates on the higher side. This inflation focusing on has figured out how to marginally ease the inflation. Headline retail inflation measured by the consumer price index CPI tumbled to 7.3% in 2014. This was fundamentally in light of the fact that easiness in the food inflation. Gross Domestic Product: It was on the lowest ever 3.99 % in the fiscal year of 2002 2003, and was on the highest 9.57% during 2006 2007 fiscal year . The World Bank anticipates India's GDP to grow to 7.5% in the current fiscal year because of expanded financial movement and more noteworthy stability. India's economic development is relied upon to ascend to 7.5% in 2015-16, trailed by further speeding up to 7.9 percent in 2016-17 and 8% in 2017-18. Reserve Bank of India (2014) reveals that Consumption by Demand was at its lowest in 2002 2003 at the percentage of 2.3 while it was at the highest level of 9.3 percent in 2007 2008. The WPI i.e. Wholesale price index, it is a measure of expansion on the supply side, likewise facilitated to a four-month low of 5.43%. This comes as uplifting news, particularly at once the economy hints at improvements. High rates of interest are awful for monetary development. It expands the borrowing cost. This affects corporate profitability and moderates the economic development. The business sector by and large cheers the cut in interest rates.. In any case, quick development is found to conditio nal on the development rate of speculation grabbing to 11% amid Fiscal Year 16 to Fiscal year 18. Farrier (2004) reveals that Foreign Direct Investment, India's legislature has started to execute changes to open the nation's venture potential to enhance the business environment, liberalize FDI, support both private and public investment, rapidly resolve corporate dispute, and streamline tariff and lower corporate taxes. Trade Deficit Balance was recorded on its highest in 2003 - 2004 at the percentage of 14.1 while very surprising it is at its lowest during the fiscal year of 2013 2014 in the percentage of -88.2. Macroeconomic Indicators in United Kingdom Anon (2014) Growth Rate of United Kingdom was higher in 2013 with the percentage of 1.8% rather compared with 0.3% in 2012 but the lesser of the percentage of 2.5 in the fiscal year of 2014. Most of the part of growth rate have been consisted on the demand of household, it leads a boost in the account deficit. On the other hand, in the fiscal year of 2013 contribution of domestic demand was 1.6 pps. There is a declining share contribution of the export market, but from recent period this decline has fallen. This decline may demonstrate the global economic crises, which results decline in exports. In 2008 -2009 the solid depreciation in Pounds sterling was the major cause to respond exports in negative trends.Schmidt, Schomann and Tessaring (2003) speculate that depreciation in sterling has a negative effect on export growth, and percentage of exports has been subdued. Most famous SMEs of British economy was playing a major role in structural challenges and constrained access of finan ce for these SMEs. Consolidation of Economy is in progress to mitigate the level of government debt which is almost 40 percent of GDP, during the international financial crises in 2008 2009 but in 2012 -2013 it was suddenly increased and reached up to 90% of GDP. Budget deficit, which was lesser than 3% of GDP during the year of 2007 -2008 but heavily increased in 2012 -2013 up to 11.4 percent at its highest. As government indebtedness declining, there is hope in the decrease in deficit budgeting in the United Kingdom, which is currently facing the Deficit Procedure on its excessive. Private Non Financial Corporations balance sheets are still strong and thus considers that PNFC is the main lender compared with the rest of the economy. Household Sector, Ong (2014) describs that which comparatively going to decline from highest values but still not below the risk indicator level. As a reflection of the level of confidence, house demands have been on its increasing trend, while on the other side the supply side of new properties are not considerably on a rising trend. This is leading to increase in house prices, and the figures of ending 2013 prices of housing were increased by 5.4 percent. Inflation was on its way back to decline from ending 2011, at that time it was at peak of 5.2%. While on October 2012 it was at 2.7 percent it swiftly reduced up to 1.9 percent in early 2014. This recent negativity may be the cause of falling oil prices in Gulf specific and in the rest of the world generally. Inflation rate (which is the most important for of Samsung Project) will expected around 2% (targeted ratio) by the Bank of England. Rate of unemployment, which was at its highest in 2011 at the rate of 8.4% was declined in the year of 2013 by 7.2%. This was happening due to the worst crises in the private sector. Public sector rate of employment has been dropped by 10.6%. Rate of Unemployment in youth was 21% in 2012, it is also indicated that 1/3 of youth was unemploye d almost for one year, while on the other hand the long term youth unemployment has been increased in the last decade and 2.7 % recorded in 2012. Overall Fiscal Consolidation is strengthened from 2010 all this was a result of a fall in the deficit of the budget up to 5.2% in 2012 2013 in Gross Domestic Product. Gross Government Debts are on the way to increase and was 88.1 % in 2013 of total GDP. Debt of Private Sector has been its highest in 2009 at the rate of 195% of Gross Domestic Product. While on the other hand household and corporate debts are also on the way to increase up to 2009. Saving of household was going on high indication in 2012 but again on declining mode in 2013. Net Export was not on growth indicator and have a contribution up to 0.1 pp to grow. While discussing about the direction of exports, so that in 2012 the largest export destination was the United States of America, having 13.7 of total export while export to China was only 3.5 percent of total exports. C apital Shortfall of building societies and banking sector in 2013 was eradicated by a special regulation Prudential Regulalation Authority in 2013 with the core help of the Bank of England. Both PRA and Bank of England prepared a framework called Stress Testing Framework, which basic cause was to achieve the assessment of resilience of United Kingdom Banking System regarding housing societies assortment. Analysis of Market Structure Spilsbury (2012) describes that there is no doubt in accepting it that any multinational company may leave a lot of effect in the host countrys economy and the likewise host country market also have may impact on the guest multinational company. The globalization of economies is reducing the distance in between social economics and cultures. The foreign export represented one third in 2011 in the total worlds export and other value added may demonstrate more than ten percent of total world gross domestic product. Through globalization, if we go further in depth, all the international production indicators are gradually increasing their rates. It all lead a new scenario that any multinational company may leave multiple kind of effects on the hosting countries such as in the field of technology, economic growth, creation of jobs, balance of payments and on various business performance. In the next lines we show the impacts of Samsung on the economies of India and United Kingdom. Elliot t and Atkinson (2012) posit in the view that one major impact, which may bear the host economic market, is increasing in the competition. One positive effect on the host countrys economy is that competitive activities may boost up in the local competitors. If we specifically discuss Samsaung in the market of India the local companies, similar business activities like Samsung, may smell a huge competition. Local companies like Havell (manufacturer of electronic goods and accessories in India) need to re-plan the local market otherwise strong wind of Foreign Direct Investment may kick them out from the market. This kind of activities may demonstrate a dual effect, positive as one side the host market fee the competition and there may be positivity in the market, while on the other hand emergence of FDI may create some negativity in different ways. Rodrick (2011) reveals that giving the exact answer while analyzing about the major determinants of a market structure is very complicated because many things are dependable which this analysis. Control of input resources, regulation and laws of host government, economy scales and technological advancement. The choice of the consumer is also playing a major role in the determination of the structure of the market, following are the vital categories of those determinants as below: a) Entry and exit in host economy is first detrminent, what rules and regulation have the host economy and under what laws there may possible to enter or exit, is very important. b) Product nature is second and also have an important role, if the products are homogenous (means identical) or there may some difference with the host market, and also to maintain the globalization impact there must be some divergence in those products which may the guest company want to launch. c) Supply and demand control, one other vital role is the proper control over the supply and chain management d) how local government has control over prices is our next poi nt, in some developing countries, there have some problems about fake shortage or weak control of government over price mechanism, this point need to be discussed and explored widely. e) What are the barriers and constraints to enter for local market such as India or United Kingdom market, there may some difference, but most the points, as an economic point of view not politicians, are almost same. Market Structure, Perfect Competition and Guest Company Samsung Sheetz-Runkle (2014) believes that in this structure of perfect competition there may be free entry and exit to any market, (local laws are may apply). In perfect competition the products are homogenous and there may not any consumer preference. While studying the perfect competition the number of buyers and seller are assumed as larger and there is no individual may influence the price. This market structure is relatively similar to Indian Stock Market, Bond Markets but not the struggling market of the United Kingdom, as recently all the Europe faced a worst economic crisis, when Bank of Lehman has been bankrupted in 2007. There may lot more benefits of this perfect competition that prices = marginal costs, firm need maximum efficiency and due to high grade competition, every company may need to allocate their resources properly. OHara (2002) describes that in Perfect Competiion there may includes new idea and there is also an opportunity that other firms are also want to enter into the industry with the core cause of taking the advantages of abnormal profit. In the long run point of view, there may normal profits and it also takes care of the consumer. Market Structure and Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly In this market, there may different products and the number of buyers and seller are many. Enter y to this market may also free, and firms have control over prices, such as food chains of England and India, but mostly in England, building firms, small units or groups of plumbers and professions. Brakman and Heijdra (2004) explain that in oligopoly structure, there are food chains, supermarkets, oil products and broadcasting so it's much similar to England market rather than Indian markets. Industry may be divided into large firms (like supermarket chains) or a small number, secondly, there are many barriers to entry and have no price competitions. In the most cases the prices are may linked with demand curve and there may chances of abnormal profits under this kind of market. Monetary Facts of Indian and British Market Policies Indian Market British Market Projected GDP Rate 6.0% up to 2017 2.3 % up to 2017 Inflation Rate 1.7% up to 2016 5.2% up to 2016 Whole Sale Price Index (projected) 4.4% up to 2015 Feb 117 up to 2015 Feb Fiscal Deficit 4.1 % of GDP in 2014 6.6% of GDP in 2014 (lowest since crises year of 2007-08) Outlook Indian market is demonstrating on the smooth and recovery path, and enhancement in industrial sector shows the confidence level of the corporate sector on government policies. Both domestic and external demand increasing gradually. After 2007-08 crises period now UK market is showing some progress trends. Government takes some major steps in the industry along with in the SME sector and many reforms are in the pipeline also. Demand curve may on the rising position at current era. References Anon, (2014). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2015]. Brakman, S. and Heijdra, B. (2004). The monopolistic competition revolution in retrospect. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Consumption in India now a days. (2014). [online] Available at: https://Reserve Bank of India [Accessed 4 May 2015]. Elliott, L. and Atkinson, D. (2012). Going south. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Farrier, J. (2004). Passing the buck. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. Ghate, C. (2012). The Oxford handbook of the Indian economy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Krueger, A. (2002). Economic policy reforms and the Indian economy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. O'Hara, T. (2002). The economy. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers. Ong, L. (2014). A Guide to IMF Stress Testing. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Rodrik, D. (2011). The globalization paradox. New York: W. W. Norton Co. Samsung Electronics America, (2015). Electronics Appliances: Tablets, Laptops, Phones, TVs | Samsung US. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2015]. Schmidt, S., Schomann, K. and Tessaring, M. (2003). Early identification of skill needs in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Sheetz-Runkle, B. (2014). The Art of War for Small Business. New York: AMACOM. Spilsbury, R. (2012). Global economy. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Sample Essay on the Value of College Education
Sample Essay on the Value of College EducationFor those who hope to have a higher-paying job or a good job, a sample classification essay on the value of college education is essential. Classifying your resume is usually a nightmare, and an essay on the value of college education can actually make it less so. If you are trying to make yourself a more desirable candidate for a higher paying job or a decent one, a sample essay on the value of college education may be the best tool for the job.In order to succeed in obtaining a college education, you need to decide which college is the right one for you. The usual suspects are the four-year colleges, but some of the better vocational institutions have given their degrees to people who never expected them. You might be interested in enrolling at a career or technical school instead of a four-year college, or in sending your son or daughter to community college. Whatever you decide to do, it's important that you decide what college you ar e going to attend.Then, you need to write a sample essay on the value of college education on a job application. Just remember that you don't have to do it as a dissertation. If you don't want to, consider writing a more objective essay about your college education instead. Just don't go overboard with the college-bashing, because that will not only damage your chances of landing a better job, but it can also hurt your application when you interview for another job. Focus more on the pros than the cons of your choice.You must include a cover letter, too, though. Though it is not essential, it does help. It's also a good idea to provide a personal statement, which will talk about your personality and how you'll fit into a new environment.After all this preparation, you can now start looking for jobs. Keep in mind that your age is no longer important if you have a degree, because employers are increasingly concerned about who they're hiring. And since your application will probably be scrutinized, you need to keep it simple and focused. You should also keep your resume short, and if possible, don't provide more than a single page. That way, the employer will notice all your salient qualities, rather than focus on the information that's inside the resume.You can find an excellent search engine such as Yahoo or Google to perform this type of research. All you have to do is type in 'college education job applications.' Since so many people apply for these positions every day, it's fairly easy to locate the best college essay samples. The downside is that you may have to spend time doing the research, so don't rush through it. If you've done your homework, you'll know that a great college essay sample will be there.In summary, a sample classification essay on the value of college education may be your best bet for landing a high-paying job or a good one. You have to start by deciding what college you want to attend, and then focus on writing a sample essay on the va lue of college education. Once you get the job, you'll have a few things on your resume to impress your prospective employer.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Advertising in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Advertising in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Monopolistic Competition Advertising is a technique used by firms in monopolistic competition to create product differentiation and gain some control of the market, and as a result, charge a higher price. Excessive advertising will serve to inform consumers about the physical difference in the product and the perceived difference will lead to increased product differentiation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If advertising convinces customers that the product is superior to the competitor’s then the firm would charge a higher price (Arnold 241). Advertising will increase demand and reduce demand elasticity. The current profit maximizing output is given by Q at a price P; therefore, advertising will increase the quantities of the product the consumers are willing to purchase leading to a shift or a move in the demand curve t o a higher level. The new demand curve will correspond to higher levels of quantity demanded and the prices given by Q1 and P1 (Arnold 245). In a monopolistic competition the firm faces a comparatively elastic demand, and this limits the prices that can be charged on the product. In order to reduce demand elasticity, the demand curve will be relatively steeper implying that consumers are likely to change their quantity demanded as a result of a change in price. As illustrated in the diagram the firm can now charge a slightly higher price P1 for the same quantity, this means the firm can collect more revenues for the same quantity Q sold at a profit maximizing level of output (McConnell and Brue 494). However, a firm cannot maximize profit when faced with inelastic demand because the marginal revenue (MR) is negative, implying that the marginal cost (MC) would be negative. Such a situation is not possible, where marginal revenue (MR) and marginal cost (MC) are both negative (Arnold 2 46). Excessive advertising could lead to inelastic demand and the firm will have to increase the price in order to make demand elastic because profit is not maximized when demand is inelastic. (McConnell and Brue 489). Advertising is expensive, and the firm will keep on advertising as long as the revenues generated from advertising are more than the cost of advertising. As a result of advertising, demand may increase and become inelastic, and, on the other hand, the marginal cost (MC) and average cost (AC) are likely to rise at the same time. Advertising in a monopolistic competition is excessive and as long as revenues per product are more in comparison to increase in average cost per product it may not result in loses. Firms in a monopolistic competition market will use advertising to maintain its profits because advertising affect the products of the firm by increasing its demand.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Oligopoly The Oligopolist can increase its market share through advertising, and they compete on the basis of advertising rather than on pricing (McConnell and Brue 492). Excessive advertising by the Oligopolist is used as a barrier against entry of other firms. It is also used to inform consumers of new products in the market. Advertising also leads to increased output pushing down the average total cost (ATC) curve towards the productive efficiency point, where average total cost (ATC) is minimum. Advertising may also lead to manipulation as opposed to informing consumers. In order to understand the interdependence behavior of oligopolistic firms the technique of game theory is used as illustrated in the diagram, it shows that the two firms are better off colluding than competing. At the top left shows that both firm A and B could earn 200 dollars profit each if they choose to advertise. At the right lower quadrant, the two firms can re ceive 250 dollars each if they both choose not to advertise, because there are no costs for advertising (McConnell and Brue 496). At the lower left quadrant firm B decides to advertise while firm A does not advertise and, therefore, firm B will earn 350 dollars profits and firm A earns 100 dollars profits. This is because advertisement attracts customers from firm A to firm B. At the top right quadrant firm B does not advertise while firm A decides to advertise, therefore; firm A receives 350 dollars profits while firm B receives 100 dollars in profits because customers are attracted away from firm B. On the other hand, if the two firms chose to collude to advertise they would each receive 250 dollars profits. In oligopoly, there are few dominant players in the market and each cannot fully influence the market independently unless they collude to influence and affect the price and demand. Advertising in an oligopolistic firm is used to increase both market share and total demand.Adv ertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In an attempt, to gain bigger market share Oligopolist will engage in fierce advertising competition trying to outdo each other. (McConnell and Brue 494). This scenario makes advertising in the oligopolistic markets to be extremely high. It is difficult to tell if advertising leads to in improved consumer benefits and efficiency. However, if advertising results to more sales and increased output, this could lead to efficiency of the firm. It is costly to advertise and may lead to improved efficiency if costs are less than the benefits from sales. Advertising may have no direct relation with the benefits to the consumer, however, if increased sales arising from advertisement leads to reduced prices, then customers will enjoy some benefits (McConnell and Brue 487). Arnold, Roger A. Micro Economics. 10t h ed. Washington, DC: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. McConnell, Campbell R. and Stanley L. Brue. Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005. Print.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Definition Essay Samples How to Write an Essay about Euripides’s Medea
Definition Essay Samples How to Write an Essay about Euripides’s Medea Free example essay on The Alienation of Medea: In Euripidess Medea, Medea is continuously expressed as an outsider with separate characteristics than that of the general public and because of this is alienated from the society around her. Many different attributes add up to this exile from her country and others. The fact that she is woman and foreign has much to do with her isolation.During Ancient Greece times, foreign residents were encouraged to come to Athens but were rarely admitted to the rights of full citizenship, which was a jealously guarded privilege (Warner footnote 2, p. 700). Since the Athenian rights and regulations were made for men, the women had few privileges and almost no legal rights (Warner footnote 3, p. 700). In fact the male foreigner had more privileges then the local woman (Euripides p. 694). Medea only sought for the rights of everyone else and because of that she was considered different and was avoided by others. Men were to be above the women, but Medea knew she had to rise above to get exactly wha t she wanted so she struck out in manners not normal of women and was feared by many. This is the reasons of her distress and the tragic ending that followed. Medea is the story of how the loss of love and the separation from others can turn to death and catastrophe. Not only a woman and a foreigner, Medea is faced with many other civilian haunting characteristics such as sorcery, intelligence and cleverness. In the beginning her nurse states, Shes a strange woman (Medea ln. 44, p. 696). The nurse also warns Medea of her own nature, be careful of the wildness and bitter nature of that proud mind (Medea ln. 102-104, p. 697). By fault, Medea is no idiot and realizes why she is alienated by others. While speaking with the chorus of Corinthian woman she focuses on her lifestyle of isolation, and those who live quietly, as I do, get a bad reputation (Medea ln. 215-216, p. 700). Medea knows as a foreigner, she must adapt but still she will always be judged by her past mistakes and history. She declares this while continuing to address the chorus: Yet what applies to me does not apply to you. You have a country. Your family home is here. You enjoy life and the company of your friends. But I am deserted, a refugee, thought nothing of by my husband, something he won in a foreign land. I have no mother or brother, nor any relation with whom I can take refuge in this sea of woe (Medea ln. 250-256, p. 700). Medeas state of estrangement is made clearer with the entrance of Kreons character. He insultingly calls her an exile (Medea ln. 271, p. 701) instead of her name while speaking to her. In fact, she is being exiled in the first place because of her threatening manor since she is a clever woman, versed in evil acts (Medea ln. 283, p. 701). Women in those days were known not for their ideas or for being outspoken, therefore since Medea possessed both of these qualities, she was intimidating to others. Kreon expresses how he is afraid (Medea ln. 280, p. 701) of Medea because he hears that she is threatening (Medea ln. 285, p. 701). In her defense, Medea conveys, a person of sense ought never to have his children brought up to be more clever than the average (Medea ln. 250-256, p. 701), as if being intellectual is wrong if you are a woman. In addition, Medea adds, for being clever, I find that some will envy me, others object to me (Medea ln. 301-302, p. 701). Kreon brings logic to the hy steria over an intelligent woman with one of his finals statements, A sharp tempered women, or for that matter a man, is easier to deal with than the clever type who hold her tongue (Medea ln. 316-318, p. 702). Nonetheless, Medea is still driven from Corinth despite of her best efforts. The chorus illustrates her emotion, and now in a foreign country you have lost your rest in a widowed bed, and are driven forth, a refugee in dishonor from the land (Medea ln. 424-427, p. 704). Still, Jason comes to help reiterate why exactly Medea is being exiled. You are going to be exiled for your loose speaking (Medea ln. 439, p. 704), and once again Medea is ill-spoken of because she speaks. On her guard, Medea retaliates, for this is my position, hated by my friends at home, I have, in kindness to you, made enemies of others whom there was no need to have injured (Medea ln. 494-496, p. 705). Furthermore, Jason continues to throw insults by calling Medea a mouthing tempest of your bitter tongue (Medea ln. 513, p. 706), as well as including the fact that all the Greeks considered her a clever woman (Medea ln. 527, p. 706). With Jasons verbal abuse over her free speech, Medea begins to understand why exi le seams like the best answer, for she will be quiet without friends (Medea ln. 501. p. 706) when banished. She also recognizes how much better it will be for Jason when she is gone since [he] thought it was not respectable as [he] got on in years to have a foreign wife (Medea ln. 579-580, p. 707). Also Jason can throw out insults because he has family and friends to go to. Medea knows this and expresses her feelings with: You can insult me. You have somewhere to turn to. But I shall go from this land into exile, friendless (Medea ln. 591-592, p. 707). Medea proves how ancient times strived for a conventional lifestyle where women and children should be seen and not heard, rather than allowing them rights to be outsiders with minds and opinions. With each character that felt threatened by Medea, came the same reasons for her intimidating behaviors: intelligence, out-spoken, will power, sense of witchcraft, love and cleverness. In the end, past her struggles, Medea still ended up alone and separated from others. She questioned her outcome earlier, What profit have I in life? I have no land, no home, no refuge from my pain (Medea ln. 782-783, p. 711). Still, whether Medea is sincerely evil or abnormally educated, the people of society abandoned her because of her characteristics that set her apart from others. Because of these attitudes, Medea was an outcast to her surrounding societies, no matter where it was. Because of Medias alienation, it did not matter what she did since she was always going to be looked at as an exile or foreigner. This had a lot of impact on the closing of the story. Like Euripides himself, Medea seemed to have lived a private, an intellectual life (Euripides p. 693). Medea could have been Euripides way of expressing some of his own anguish about being an outsider himself. However, Medea went to the extreme by killing her children and the king and daughter. Maybe, if she was not so isolated from the society she was in, then she could have someone on her side to fight on her behalf and the conclusion of the story could have been different, but since she was alone, she had nothing to loose. Therefore, this story comes with many morals; A warning to the cheating husband, as well as, a reminder to people that to the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world.
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